Time Use Surveys in the UK: A Methodological Review

The Consumer Protection Study is a project which was undertaken to examine the nature of problems that consumers experienced when buying items and services, the financial and other impacts of these problems, how consumers went about resolving them, and who was most affected by consumer detriment.
Alongside providing an up-to-date and robust assessment of the scale and value of consumer detriment in the UK, the Consumer Protection Study 2022
The project looked at consumer detriment that occurred in the year spanning from April 2020 to April 2021.
The study was commissioned and funded by a consortium of organisations comprising the Consumer Protection Partnership (CPP), Ofcom and Which?.
Fieldwork for the study was conducted between 8th April and 9th May 2021 using the random-probability NatCen Panel as well as through a push-to-web survey.
The NatCen Panel is a panel of people recruited from high-quality random-probability studies such as the British Social Attitudes survey. Those agreeing to join the Panel are then invited to take part in additional short surveys covering a range of different topics either online or over the phone. By using a probability-based sample and allowing those without internet access to take part this design reduces the risk of bias compared to online-only surveys which exclude those who do not have access to, or are less confident using, the internet or surveys using convenience samples which are more likely to include people who are more ‘available’ or particularly want to express their views.
For more information about the NatCen Panel click here.
The push-to-web survey was used to cover Northern Ireland (not yet covered by the NatCen Panel in 2021), and to boost the sample in Wales to allow for more precise estimates in that region. A systematic random sample of addresses was drawn from the Postcode Address File (PAF), a list of addresses (or postal delivery points) compiled by the Post Office, which was used as the sample frame, to select 3,900 addresses in each country. Every issued address was sent an invitation letter and up to two reminder letters with instructions on how to take part online, but also on how to contact NatCen to schedule a telephone interview if preferred.
Overall, the survey was completed by 6,582 UK adults (18+). For the NatCen Panel survey, a total of 5,101 people took part, representing a 75% survey response rate. Taking account of nonresponse at the recruitment interview and at the point of recruitment to the panel, the overall response rate for the NatCen Panel survey was 12%. For the push-to-web survey, a total of 1,481 people took part, giving a response rate of 11%. The data were weighted to be representative of the UK adult (18+) population.
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