The English Private Landlord Survey
Latest findings from the English Private Landlord Survey (EPLS)
Latest findings from the English Private Landlord Survey (EPLS)
Examining public attitudes towards Scotland’s constitutional status following the UK’s decision to leave the EU.
Attitudes and trends around conceptions of British identity.
The only annual survey that looks at how, why, when and where we travel.
This report aims to analyse the impact of changing the mode of SSA from face-to-face interviewing to a push-to-web methodology in 2023.
This rich constituency look-up includes demographic data and our assessment of where different voter profiles are most common.
In this edition of our flagship British Social Attitudes, we assess what impact the last five years has had on the landscape of public attitudes.
This British Social Attitudes chapter analyses recent trends in the ideological basis of party support.
The impact of the 2019-2024 Parliament on political trust and confidence.
This British Social Attitudes chapter examines how attitudes to immigration have evolved and how the demographic distribution in attitudes is changing
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