Centres of excellence
Social changes are to be expected over time and can have profound and long-term consequences for society. At the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), we welcome the opportunities that change brings for our research to inform and influence choices.
Research is powerful in shaping policy decisions at all levels. NatCen is a trusted, independent organisation providing high quality research and evidence on society and social issues. We can help inform change and ensure the best possible outcomes for the public by delivering social research underpinned by the integrity, robustness and transparency of our research methods and delivery.
We have a legacy for excellence, built over 50 years’ of collecting, analysing and presenting evidence and making sure the public voice is heard in decision-taking.

Centre for Children and Families
Our work contributes to public understanding of key issues for children and families including early years and parenting, education and mental health.

Centre for Deliberation
We generate evidence to inform, engage with and transform complex social issues, drawing on the principles of deliberative democracy.

Centre for Evaluation
Our Centre conducts a wide variety of programme and policy evaluations, to understand what works and why, and uncover any unintended consequences.

Centre for Gambling Research
For more than 20 years, we have produced cutting edge research into gambling, exploring related behaviours, harms and stigma.

Centre for Health
This Centre brings together our biomedical surveys, health policy and social care work, to inform and advance understanding of the nation's health.

Crime, Justice and Security
Building a safer and just society through bold and pioneering research.

Centre for Social Survey Transformation
We can help you understand the trade-offs in alternative data collection to make social research surveys more flexible, responsive and efficient.

Methodology and Innovation Hub
A collective of experts in social research methodology and practice, providing advice on the design, delivery and analysis of social research.

NatCen International
Empowering societies for global change

NatCen Learning
We are a leading provider of social research training in the UK.

NatCen Opinion Panel
Britain’s longest-running random probability-based panel, providing robust data from a representative sample at affordable prices.

Scottish Centre for Social Research (ScotCen)
Delivering research at the heart of evidence-based policy in Scotland, using a variety of methodological approaches, across a range of topics.