This statement relates to the website hosted on the domain and was published in February 2023.
Please note this accessibility statement covers the above website only and not our web surveys and project-specific microsites.
Our current position
Accessibility is a priority for the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and we are committed to providing and improving access to our research and services to as wide a group of people and stakeholders as possible.
With the redesign and development of our website, we have successfully resolved a number of accessibility issues on our web pages.
Our next step will be improving the accessibility of our pdf reports as well as publishing reports in HTML format for increased accessibility.
We are also working to ensure we produce accessible content which includes preferring text-based content and the addition of alternative text to all visual content.
We are working on providing professional subtitles on more of our video content and enabling automatic subtitling where possible.
What we’re doing to improve accessibility
On an on-going basis, we are looking to improve our existing websites, wherever possible, and our web pages and have resources to do so but we appreciate there are limitations with our platform, structures and processes.
Reporting accessibility problems with NatCen’s websites
Thank you for your interest in improving our websites and our research and services.
If you do experience problems accessing or navigating any part of our sites, please contact our Marketing and Communications team with details and any suggestions for improvement you might have.
AbilityNet also has helpful advice on making your device easier to use if you are having accessibility issues where you may have a specific disability.