Financial experiences of further and higher education students in Scotland

Over the past decade there have been two referendums, the Scottish Independence referendum in 2014 and the Brexit referendum in 2016. The issues of national identity, pride and immigration have been central to the debate in both.
On 3rd September, we published the final chapter of the 41st British Social Attitudes report on national identity. This chapter aimed to understand how people in Britain conceptualised their national identity and how this related to what they took pride in about Britain. In addition, we explored how it related to people’s views on key constitutional questions, such as Britain’s position outside the EU and Scotland’s position within the UK.
This latest British Social Attitudes and Scottish Social Attitudes data examined:
Sir John Curtice shared insights based on 25 years of Scottish Social Attitudes data, examining changes in public opinion on Scottish devolution and independence. Afterward, Alex Scholes explored national identity, presenting a comparative analysis of how England and Scotland view national identity, pride, immigration, and economic protectionism.
The session offered a thorough understanding of the evolving attitudes both within and between these two nations.
Sir John Curtice is Senior Research Fellow at NatCen, Professor of Politics at Strathclyde University, and Chief Commentator on the What UK Thinks: EU and What Scotland Thinks websites.
He has been a regular contributor to the annual British Social Attitudes report since 1986 and an editor since 1994. He has also been a Co-Director of the Scottish Social Attitudes survey since its foundation in 1999, and his analyses of Scottish public opinion in the run up to the independence referendum were frequently featured throughout the campaigns.
In 2018, he received a knighthood in the New Year's Honours list. Sir John is a regular media commentator on both British and Scottish politics.
Alex is a Research Director on the Attitudinal Surveys and NatCen Opinion Panel team, where he leads on delivery of the British Social Attitudes survey. He first joined the organisation as a Researcher on the ScotCen team following the completion of his Masters in September 2018. Alex has worked on a variety of projects since then, including the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, the Scottish Health Survey and the ESRC funded 'WhatUKThinks:EU' and 'WhatScotlandThinks' websites.
As well as the British Social Attitudes survey, Alex also works on the NatCen Opinion Panel and the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), a cross-national survey programme with over 40 members.
Gillian is Deputy Chief Executive at the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and Director of NatCen's Social Surveys Department.
Gillian leads a large team of researchers, data specialists and operational staff, including NatCen’s interviewers and biomedical fieldworkers. She oversees the design, management and delivery of NatCen’s portfolio of social surveys in a wide range of policy areas, including housing, finance, health and transport. She also has oversight of the NatCen Opinion Panel.
Gillian has spent her career in applied social research and has over 25 years’ experience of managing design and delivery of social surveys, and leading research teams. She regularly appears in the national press and broadcast media, talking about social trends. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the board of the Campaign for Social Science and a trustee of the Social Research Association.
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