Is it ok to use differential incentives to encourage survey participation in under-represented groups?
More needs to be done to improve the inclusion of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society
More needs to be done to improve the inclusion of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society
What we've learned from doing a large-scale study of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
We reflect on the centrality of adaptation and localisation to the effectiveness of educational interventions
What is it like being on the other side of the research process?
Far-right groups have responded to moderation on social media and bans by migrating to alternative platforms.
We highlight some of the key changes in attitudes uncovered by the 2023 Scottish Social Attitudes survey.
This blog outlines some of the relevant evidence uncovered by the latest British Social Attitudes chapter.
The role of technology in human trafficking and smuggling
The Government’s 100-day review of extremist threats should focus on the relationship between online conspiracy theories and real-world harm.
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