British Social Attitudes 41 | Five years of unprecedented challenges

Support for political parties in Britain traditionally varied along a left-right dimension, with ‘left-wing’ voters, who were concerned about inequality, supporting Labour and ‘right-wing’ voters, who were more concerned about the promotion of growth, supporting the Conservatives. However, the Brexit debate divided voters along a different ideological dimension – between ‘libertarians’ on the one hand and ‘authoritarians’ on the other. This chapter analyses trends in the ideological basis of party support since voters opted to leave the EU. It considers whether the libertarian-authoritarian dimension remains as important as it was during the Brexit debate, or whether the politics of ‘left’ and ‘right’ are once again dominating the structure of party support.
Despite the lack of debate about Brexit since the UK left the EU at the beginning of 2020, the libertarian-authoritarian dimension is more strongly related to patterns of party identification now than it was at the time of the EU referendum. But the ‘left-right’ divide is also still in evidence, ensuring that the ideological basis of Britain’s electoral politics is now two-dimensional.
Party support is now more strongly linked to issues, other than Brexit, which are associated with the libertarian-authoritarian divide, including immigration, sexuality and questions of identity and empire.
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