Technical education learner survey

T Levels were introduced in 2021 as a key plank in the government’s efforts to reform the technical education landscape. The Department for Education (DfE) commissioned NatCen and the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to conduct a longitudinal study with the first cohorts going through these new courses, to explore their experiences during and after their courses and to compare experiences with those on other technical education courses. This report is based on a second survey with the first cohort of T Level learners – now at the end of their course in 2022. It also reports on surveys with the second cohort of over 2,300 T Level learners and over 890 Transition Programme learners who began their course in September 2021, following an expansion of courses and providers. This survey also collected data on T Level comparator groups (over 2,300 other level 3 technical learners, and over 600 A level learners) and around 1,300 level 4/5 learners. The 2021/22 survey explored comparable areas found in the 2020/21 survey such as learners’ reasons for choosing their course, their aspirations, course delivery, learners’ satisfaction, and their future plans.
At the end of the Transition Programme, just over a quarter of learners intended to progress onto a T Level. Other common intentions for progression were to another type of study or qualification, or to an apprenticeship.
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