Linking survey and digital trace data

This report draws on new data collected on the NatCen Panel, in combination with past surveys, to explore how attitudes to immigration and minority ethnic groups have changed over time. The report focuses on findings from questions asked about three groups: Black people, immigrants and Muslims. Respondents were asked how positively or negatively they felt each group, how comfortable they would be with them in different social situations (either appointed as their boss, living on the same street, or married to a close relative), and whether efforts to give them equal opportunities have gone too far or not far enough.
The report also focuses on public attitudes to immigration - whether the impact of immigration on society is positive or negative and whether they support increased or decreased immigration in different situations (for immigration generally, for illegal immigration and for refugees).
Having described the landscape of public attitudes and how they have changed over time, the report describes the findings of a segmentation analysis – grouping adults in the UK by their attitudes towards minorities and immigration across a range of different areas.
Fieldwork for this study was conducted using the random-probability NatCen Panel, with historical data drawn from a previous wave of the NatCen Panel and the European Social Survey. The NatCen Panel is a panel of people recruited from high-quality, random probability surveys such as the British Social Attitudes survey. Those agreeing to join the Panel are then invited to take part in additional short surveys covering a range of different topics either online or over the phone.
The wave of the NatCen Panel was conducted between 3rd November and 4th December 2022. A total of 2,169 of the 3,000 panel members invited to take part did so, either online or over the phone, giving a 72% survey response rate.
All data presented in this study is weighted to adjust for survey design and non-response, making the weighted estimates representative of the target population – all adults (18+) in the UK. All reported differences between groups were tested for statistical significance and are statistically significant at the 95% level: that is to say that they are unlikely to have occurred due to sampling chance.
The grouping of people into clusters (classes) was conducted using a statistical method called Latent Class Analysis. This technique helps identify groups of respondents that are as similar as possible within each group and as different as possible between different groups based on the survey responses used in this analysis. We tested several potential models with different variables and numbers of classes and selected the model which balanced goodness of fit to our data with substantive interpretability of the resulting groups.
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