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The National Centre for Social Research was commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) to complete an independent national place-based process evaluation exploring years 1-4 of the Opportunity Areas (OA) programme.
The Department for Education’s (DfE) Opportunity Areas (OA) programme provides targeted support with the aim of improving the life chances of young people in 12 areas across England which face entrenched challenges. It adopts a place-based approach, where a local area is allocated funding and decision-making autonomy to deliver projects which meet its specific needs. This is done in partnership with national and local stakeholders and delivery partners. Each of the 12 OAs was ‘twinned’ with other parts of the country facing similar challenges to help improve young people’s education and employment outcomes.
The National Centre for Social Research was commissioned by the DfE to complete an independent national place-based process evaluation exploring Years 1-4 of the programme. The report is based on findings from 162 qualitative in-depth interviews and 27 focus groups with strategic and local stakeholders, project leads and beneficiaries across all OAs. Data collection took place between November 2020 and September 2021 and focused on Year 1-4 delivery, coronavirus (COVID-19) responses, twinning, perceived progress and sustainability.
This qualitative process evaluation of the OA programme aimed to:
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