What factors impact attainment during the primary school years?

SEND Futures is an innovative large-scale longitudinal survey following young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities in England.
The SEND Futures Discovery Phase is a large-scale feasibility study, comprising two waves of quantitative data collection with young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parent or guardian. The study was commissioned by the Department of Education (DfE) and will inform the planning of a future longitudinal study of children and young people with SEND living in England – a significant piece of new data infrastructure if commissioned. The Discovery Phase study was carried out by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) in collaboration with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB).
This report sets out methodological findings from the second wave of the study, undertaken between April and September 2023 with young people in Year 9 (aged 13-14) and their parent or guardian. A detailed summary and reflections on implications for the mainstage study are provided in the ‘Summary and reflections’ chapter. Main points are also provided in what follows. Separate reports set out methodological findings from the first wave of the study and findings from analysis of data collected from young people and their parents.
Response and participation
The study has collected two rounds of survey data with the same young people and their families – the first wave of data collection took place in the summer of 2022, when the young people were at the end of Year 8 at school (aged 12-13) and the second wave of data collection took place a year later, when the young people were in Year 9 (aged 13-14).
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