Governance, Sustainability and Economic Development

We examine how states, communities and the private sector can support ecological, human and economic development.

Our projects

Health Impacts of Climate Change on Precarious Outdoor Workers in urban megacities in Vietnam

This research project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, is investigating the vulnerabilities and multiple health exposures of outdoor workers in urban areas in Vietnam. Given the country's significant informal sector, the project will co-construct a new evidence base through multi-stakeholder collaboration, addressing fundamental knowledge gaps about the vulnerabilities of outdoor urban workers.

This project is led by NatCen International in collaboration with the University of Bristol, and partners based in Vietnam, Social Life Research Institute and Institute for Development and Community Health "Light". 

Read more here.

Strategic Capacity Development for Members of the Yemen Peace Forum 

The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies (SCSS) commissioned NatCen International to deliver comprehensive training modules in Arabic, focusing on qualitative research methods and introductory economics, tailored to the Yemeni context. The objective was to empower Yemeni researchers and policymakers with robust analytical tools necessary for conducting rigorous research, producing insightful policy analyses, and drafting impactful white papers. These modules were designed to enhance participants' capacity to navigate and address the complexities of Yemen’s socio-economic landscape, especially in the current context.

Led by experts in the fields of qualitative research and economics, each course was structured to combine theoretical knowledge with practical application. Interactive sessions facilitated dynamic learning, while workshops provided hands-on experience. Tutor feedback ensured that participants could refine their skills and understanding continuously. Group tasks, including the analysis and presentation of papers centred on Yemeni led research, encouraged collaborative learning and critical thinking.

> Find out more about the training courses we deliver on the NatCen International Academy page.

Inclusive Governance in the Context of Climate Change Impacts: A Case Study of the Mekong Delta Region (UNDP; Dragon-Mekong Institute) (June 2023 – September 2023)

This case study aims to shed light on the current vulnerability of populations in Mekong Delta region in the context of a specific climate change impact. It will also point out gaps in current national policy responses to this particular impact to ensure the protection of populations in the region.

A Study on Multidimensional Poverty in Yemen (March 2022 - May 2022)

In collaboration with Saferworld, we developed an analysis of the intersection between poverty, politics and conflict in Yemen to inform the Swedish International Development Agency’s (SIDA) development cooperation strategy in the country under the Regional MENA Strategy 2021 – 2025.