
Producing a future proofing UN Handbook on Household Surveys

This event is held as part of the ongoing webinar series, co-organised with NatCen, City, University of London, and the European Social Survey.
  • Event time:
    12th June 2024 16:00 – 17:00
  • Format:

The United Nations Statistics Division, under the guidance of the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys (ISWGHS), is embarking on a project to revise and update the series of United Nations methodological publications on household surveys.

In the webinar, Haoyi Chen will provide information on:

  • a summary of national consultations on the revision of Handbook;
  • structure and content envisioned to be covered by the revision;
  • dissemination platforms and tools and a vision for easy access and keeping the handbook up to date; and
  • timeline and the consultative revision process.

Input from the audience on the revision will also be sought.


  • Haoyi Chen
    Coordinator of the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys UN Statistics Division
    Haoyi Chen works at the UN Statistics Division, is the Coordinator of the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys and leads the work on citizen-generated data and data integration. Before she joined her current position in September 2019, she led the programme on international migration statistics at the UN Statistics Division. She has also worked on various statistical areas including gender statistics, population censuses, civil registration and vital statistics. She holds a PhD degree in statistics from the University of Florida.