Leadership announcements

Statement on Gender Pay Gap

Our annual gender pay gap data is published below.
  • Author:
    Guy Goodwin
  • Publishing date:
    31 May 2021

We are Britain’s leading centre for independent social research, with over 50 years’ experience of listening to the public and making sure their voice is heard.

At the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), we are driven by the belief that social research has the power to make life better and, as a non-profit organisation, we are never compromised by commercial or political agenda.

We care passionately about our staff, believe in equality and diversity, and recognise that it is essential that people are treated with respect and dignity. We believe that diversity enriches our lives.  

Illegal and unfair discrimination, whether direct, indirect or by association or perception, have become increasingly indefensible in society today. A diverse workforce makes organisational sense, as it adds value by bringing staff with different experiences, knowledge and perspectives together.

Our annual gender pay gap data is published below. I can confirm that the data in these reports is accurate and in line with Government regulations.

We are confident that women and men are paid equally for doing equivalent work at NatCen and we have adopted transparent pay structures for our staff. We recruit from the widest possible pools, advertising our jobs externally, and ensuring that language used in advertisements is gender neutral.

A significant proportion of our employees are social scientists, many of whom are female. Additionally, we engage a high proportion of female staff in administrative and support roles in our Brentwood, Edinburgh and London offices.