Female perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Stakeholder engagement research

In November 2021, the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) was awarded funding from the Home Office as part of the Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Research Fund, to undertake research to improve understanding of how social workers identify and respond to perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV). Via in-depth interviews with stakeholders working across a range of roles within the social work field, the research sought to explore social workers’ knowledge and understanding of IPV, the training they receive in relation to IPV, and current approaches to identifying, assessing, and responding to social work cases involving IPV.
The study involved two complementary stages:
Stage 1: a light-touch desk-review of key documents and websites was carried out to provide researchers with a broad understanding of the social work profession in England and Wales and the role of social workers in cases involving IPV. This stage also informed the development of the recruitment and fieldwork materials, as well as refinements to the sampling and recruitment strategy for Stage 2.
Stage 2: qualitative research (in-depth interviews) was undertaken with 29 stakeholders in practitioner, management, and training roles within the field of social work.
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