Scottish Social Attitudes 2023

This module from the Scottish Social Attitudes survey focuses on public views towards the handling of the pandemic in Scotland.
This report presents findings from the 2021/22 Scottish Social Attitudes survey (SSA), conducted between October 2021 and March 2022. It focusses on attitudes towards the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland and seeks to address the following key questions:
Views on the use of data and science during the pandemic
Government procedural justice (relationship between authority and the people)
Views on how properly prepared Scotland is for another pandemic
Associations between trust, social support and attitudes towards the handling of the pandemic
Scottish Social Attitudes is run by ScotCen Social Research and this module has been funded by the Scottish Government.
Every year, we ask 1,200-1,500 people to take part in Scottish Social Attitudes on the basis of random probability sampling.
This technique ensures that everyone has an equal chance of being picked to take part, so the results are representative of the Scottish population.
Data are then weighted in order to correct for non-response bias and differential selection probabilities to ensure that they reflect the age-sex profile of the Scottish population.
SSA has been a face-to-face survey since 1999 but last year (2021/22), due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the survey was conducted over the phone.
For other Scottish Social Attitudes reports, visit our SSA research page.
The Odds Ratio (OR) is a statistic that represents the likelihood of an individual having a score of ‘1’ on the outcome variable (as opposed to ‘0’) from their responses to the predictor variables. In this case the odds of a Conservative supporter being ‘not very/not at all confident’ in Scotland’s preparedness for another pandemic (compared with a SNP supporter which is the base category). This is explained further in the SSA 2021/22 Attitudes to Scotland’s handling of the pandemic - Technical information.
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