
ISO 20252:2019 Statement of Applicability (SoA)

This document outlines which specific parts of the ISO 20252 standard applies to our operations.

The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is an independent social research institute, delivering research that has direct and practical application in terms of understanding social behaviour and informing policy.

NatCen delivers research services throughout the UK to government, public and non-government bodies, academics, charities and others to contribute to theory and ideas as well as to inform and evaluate policies.

NatCen has elected to include research terms 1-4, sampling, fieldwork, self-completion and data management and processing to be attested to ISO20252:2019 in accordance with Annexes A, B, E and F. NatCen has elected to exclude Annexes C and D from attestation. 

Details of NatCen’s attested annexes are described as follows:

AnnexAttestedExcluded ClausesExplanation
A: Sampling, including access panelsYes4.4 + 4.5 + 4.6Sample automation / sample blending are not used
B: FieldworkYes5.3Predictive dialling equipment is not used
C: Physical observationNo None conducted
D: Digital observationNo None conducted
E: Self-completionYes n/a
F: Data management and processingYes n/a

Authorised by:

Gillian Prior
Deputy Chief Executive
20th December 2024