Double Edged Swords: The Role of Technology in Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

We were commissioned by UNHCR and the Home Office to undertake an independent evaluation of the Refugee and Migrant Advice Service (RMAS) run by King’s Arms Project.
The Refugee and Migrant Advice Service is the second pilot in the Community Engagement Pilot series and should be read in conjunction with the evaluation of Action Access. The RMAS pilot was designed by the Home Office and King’s Arms Project with input from UNHCR and other stakeholders working in the field of asylum and migration management. It was delivered by King’s Arms Project and provided support within the community. Participants had a legal advisor over 3 meetings for support with immigration casework and received more holistic support from King’s Arms Project. The pilot’s main aim was to test approaches to immigration management and lessons for future policy.
RMAS provided support within the community to up to 50 pilot participants at any one time. The evaluation found the three-meeting legal model to work well. The pilot increased participants’ understanding of their immigration cases and their possible future options. The support helped participants gain increased knowledge of and confidence in accessing their entitlements. The pilot was seen to have benefits in terms of self-esteem and wellbeing, above and beyond providing the opportunity for participants to engage with legal counselling. Whilst the main aim of the pilot was to support participants with their insecure immigration status to achieve case resolution, the nature of the holistic support on offer meant that their immigration status was not seen in isolation to other aspects of their daily life. This second pilot in the series built on the collaborative working relationship between the voluntary sector and the Home Office, established during the Action Access pilot.
The evaluation comprised the following elements:
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