English Housing Survey
The English Housing Survey (EHS) is a major government survey into homes and housing in England.
The English Housing Survey (EHS) is a major government survey into homes and housing in England.
Millions of older adults in the UK live in unsafe, cold, and poorly maintained homes - worsening their health and increasing pressure on the NHS.
Latest findings from the English Private Landlord Survey (EPLS)
This election edition of our annual Society Watch report focuses on Gen Z’s attitudes to three contested policy issues of our time.
The Family Resources Survey is a long running timeseries on the income and living conditions of households in the UK.
NatCen were commissioned to deliver a series of deliberative workshops with people with lived experiences of housing issues in England.
Exploring issues of overcrowding from the perspective of the British Bangladeshi and Pakistani people affected.
In March 2020 The Home Office commissioned NatCen to carry out this rapid evidence review.
Download the full report and key findings from our latest Society Watch report.
Progress and Popularity: Facing the Disillusioned in a New Decade
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