The Office for National Statistics (ONS) - Participant information

What is the research about?

This research is seeking to build on the findings from the Public Sector Management Practices Survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The research aims to explore the views and experiences of public sector managers, capturing views about their organisation’s management practices, approaches to administration, innovation, and the potential to use new technology and ways of working to improve productivity and day to day work lives.

Who is conducting this research?

The ONS has commissioned the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), an independent research organisation, to carry out this research. 

Why have I been asked to take part?

When you completed the ONS Public Sector Management Practices Survey (PSMPS), you agreed to re-contacted about follow-up research.

Taking part will provide an opportunity for you to share your views about management practices, administration, innovation, and technology. This will improve understanding of the challenges faced by public sector organisations. 

What will taking part involve?

You have been invited to take part in a focus group or an interview via Microsoft Teams with researchers from NatCen. The focus groups, which will include other public sector staff members from your area of work. Both interviews focus groups will take place at a time that suits you in July and August 2024. The focus groups will last up to 90 minutes and the interviews will last up to 60 minutes.

As a thank you for taking part in the research, ONS will donate to a charity of your choice (£30 for participating in an interview and £40 for participation in a focus group). 

Do I have to take part?

Taking part is completely voluntary. If you agree to attend a focus group or interview, you can withdraw at any time, and you do not have to give a reason. You may also choose not to answer any of the questions.  

What will happen next?

If you would like to take part, please email, giving your name, organisation name, and a telephone number where we can reach you to book a convenient time to take part.  If you have any questions about the research, you can contact Yasmin Spray or George Leeder, members of the research team:

If you choose to take part, a member of our research team will be in touch to arrange a convenient time to conduct the group or interview on MS Teams or by telephone.

Before the focus group or interview begins, we will ask for your consent to take part and you will be reminded that you may withdraw at any time, without reason. 

You can contact the research team at any time using the details at the end of this leaflet if you have any questions. 

Can I have special arrangements? 

Yes. When we contact you to schedule the focus group or interview, we ask you if you require special arrangements. This includes, for example, if you have specific accessibility needs.

Our researchers will be aware of your requirements beforehand. 

What will happen to the information I give?

We will write a report about the main issues and themes that have been discussed and will include some participants quotes. We will not identify you or name you personally. We will make sure your responses are anonymised.

With your permission, we will audio record the focus groups and interviews so that nothing you say is forgotten. The recording will be kept securely and will be deleted when the study has been completed.

Everything you say in the interview will be kept confidential, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). NatCen will not share any identifiable information with ONS at any point.

How do I know this research is genuine?

You can check the authenticity of this research by contacting at the ONS. You can find out more about ONS’ research programme here:

You can also contact NatCen’s research team to ask any questions about the study. 

What is the lawful basis for processing my data?

Under the UK GDPR, the lawful basis for processing your information is that we need it to perform a ‘public task’. This means that processing this data is necessary for carrying out a task in the public interest. 

Who are NatCen?

NatCen is an independent social research institute. It designs, conducts, and analyses research studies in the fields of social and public policy. You can find out more about NatCen on

Contact the NatCen research team: 

Please contact our researchers on the details below if you have any questions about NatCen or the study: