Share your views and experiences of improving workplace management

Take part in ONS research to explore public sector managers’ views and experiences on management practices, administration, technology and innovation.

About the study

This is an important study that will help to understand views about public sector organisation’s management practices; approaches to administration and innovation; and the potential use of new technology to improve productivity and day to day work life.

Why take part and what will it involve?

You have been invited to take part in a focus group or an interview via Microsoft Teams with researchers from NatCen. The focus groups, which will include other public sector staff members from your area of work

Why have I been selected to take part? 

When you completed the ONS Public Sector Management Practices Survey (PSMPS), you agreed to re-contacted about follow-up research.

Who is carrying out the research?

NatCen is an independent social research institute. It designs, conducts, and analyses research studies in the fields of social and public policy. You can find out more about NatCen on

Contact us: 

Project Email: 
George Leeder: 0207 549 9519
Yasmin Spray: 0207 549 9525

Participant information

You can read the participant information here. 

Privacy notice

You can read the privacy notice here.