Time Use in the UK: Autumn 2023
The latest sweep looked at how things such as leisure time, childcare, work or time spent in retirement are changing.
The latest sweep looked at how things such as leisure time, childcare, work or time spent in retirement are changing.
The ONS Time Use Study is a study which aims to find out how different people across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland spend their time
A review exploring the current state of online time use surveys in the UK, with the aim of improving efficacy for both respondents and data users.
Average daily time spent by adults on activities including paid work, unpaid household work, unpaid care, travel and entertainment.
This technical briefing paper supplements our Society Watch 2024 report, exploring the value of Hierarchical Age-Cohort-Period modelling.
This report sets out findings from Ofsted’s ‘Big Listen’ research with the public and parents/carers on their views about Ofsted.
This thematic report on parental engagement compliments the first annual report for the A Better Start national evaluation.
We would like to invite people who have used the ‘Worrying About Money?’ guide to take part in this research study.
This study explores non-opiate and cannabis drug use among minority ethnic groups in England and their support and treatment needs.
NatCen carried out a Rapid Evidence Assessment into Climate Change Adaptation for transport infrastructure.
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