
The Sudan Crisis and Implications for Neighbouring Countries

This event examined the nature and impact of the crisis in Sudan, the response to the conflict and resulting displacement, and what can be done.
  • Event time:
    12th September 2023 14:00 – 16:00
  • Format:

Key insights from the event

This article was originally published on the Shabaka website. Click here to see the original article.

On 12 September, 2023 NatCen International and Shabaka held the first event in a three-part series on the current crisis in Sudan. The speakers for the event were Bashair Ahmed, CEO of Shabaka and Faith Kasina, regional spokesperson for UNHCR in the East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes region. The event was chaired by Sherine El Taraboulsi–McCarthy, Director of NatCen International.

The current crisis in Sudan has displaced 5 million people, with 4 million people being displaced in Sudan and 1 million people being displaced into neighbouring countries including Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. Sudan was also a host country for third country nationals, including 100,000 Syrians and 1.5 million South Sudanese people who are now also experiencing displacement. Food insecurity levels in Sudan are currently classed at IPC 3 or 4, with IPC level 5 indicating famine. Over 24 million people now need humanitarian assistance due to the crisis.

The focus of this event was the impact and implications of the Sudan crisis for neighboring countries and the region at large. Key insights from the event include the following:

  • Sudan is now one of the worst in the world for humanitarian access. There are several factors that continue to hinder relief efforts and those include the lack of humanitarian corridors, attacks on humanitarian convoys as well as the displacement of humanitarian workers. Additionally, the distance between Port Sudan and the most impacted areas of the country has added another barrier to humanitarian access – The distance from Port Sudan to El Geneina – a conflict-affected town in Darfur – is around 1,700 kilometres which is similar to the distance from London to Warsaw. The speakers called for urgent action to unblock those barriers and facilitate humanitarian access to the affected populations.
  • Regional impacts of the crisis include displaced Sudanese people fleeing into neighboring countries and further displacement of refugees and third country nationals in Sudan, adding pressure on already struggling economies – Egypt for example is already facing a serious economic crisis. There are security concerns as well around the possibility of hostilities spilling over into neighboring countries and for the conflict to feed into already existing regional rivalries.
  • Response from neighboring countries includes moving displaced Sudanese and other affected nationals at borders to various in-country locations, such as refugee camps, or to their countries of origin. This also includes some third country nationals returning to origin or other countries in the Horn of Africa. Neighbouring countries have also worked to provide access to necessities such as food and water to affected people at the borders or in refugee camps, but these efforts are hindered due to security issues, poor infrastructure, and climate events.
  • A key challenge to the humanitarian response is protection for civilians, humanitarian workers and civil society organizations. There have been several incidents where they have been targeted by warring parties. Sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) is also increasing and is being used as a weapon of war.
  • Lack of funding from donor countries is impacting relief efforts. Humanitarian needs are rising faster than funds are being sent, making it harder for humanitarian services to be provided. Reasons for low donor funding included several concurrent crises happening globally which are stretching donor funds, economic crises in donor countries, and cuts to aid budgets in donor countries. Research has also pointed out that foreign policy priorities impact humanitarian donorship and therefore, there is a need to continue advocacy efforts to support the Sudan response.
  • The main source of humanitarian relief has come from local actors in the Sudanese civil society they not included in formal humanitarian infrastructure. An example of this is the emergency response rooms (ERRs) that provide shelter, food, and water to displaced people. ERRs are often managed by volunteers and rely on financial support through donations provided by local actors and the Sudanese diaspora. Diaspora support is also regional as many Sudanese diaspora are sending funds to displaced relatives in Egypt, Chad, and other neighbouring countries
  • It is important to see how organisations like the AU have responded to the Sudan crisis. The AU announced Roadmap for the Resolution of the Conflict in Sudan. The AU and IGAD need to be more visible to local organisations to help increase the level of trust between them and local actors. This can be done by providing local actors with clear pathways for advocacy with the AU, IGAD, and other regional bodies.
  • To ensure full protection for civilians and humanitarian workers and to create humanitarian corridors, hostilities need to end. Regional bodies such as the AU and IGAD are working to bring the warring factions together so they can agree to end hostilities. Truces had been made previously but they were not kept.
  • Speakers pointed out that humanitarian response should be conducted in a holistic way (rather than piecemeal) and there is a need to adopt cross-sectoral approaches linking humanitarian assistance to development to ensure that learning from other crises is drawn up in the Sudan response. It should also include a focus on livelihoods, protection, access to basic services, shelter, and education.

Information on the remaining two events in this series will be made available shortly.
Follow us on Twitter @Natcen_Int and @Shabaka_org to keep up to date.

Watch the webinar recording


  • Bashair Ahmed
    CEO Shabaka
    Bashair Ahmed is the CEO of Shabaka, a research and consulting organisation focused on diaspora, migration and humanitarianism. She has over 20 years of experience working with several United Nations Agencies and international organisations focused on fragile and conflict-affected countries.
  • Faith Kasina
    Faith Kasina is a media and communications professional with 15 years’ experience in crisis and development situations in Africa. Faith is currently the regional spokesperson for UNHCR in the East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes region.


  • Sherine El Taraboulsi–McCarthy
    Director, NatCen International National Centre for Social Research
    View full profile

    Sherine is the Director of NatCen International where she leads a team of senior experts and researchers dedicated to shaping global social policy and practice. She is widely acknowledged as an expert in humanitarian and development policy, conflict, security and evidence uptake with a focus on the UK, Africa and the Middle East. Sherine has two decades of experience in leading and delivering on complex research projects and consortia as well as providing policy advice at a senior level to governments, donors and civil society organizations on their engagement in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. 

    Prior to establishing NatCen International, Sherine was a Senior Research Fellow at ODI where she launched and co-led a cross-institutional initiative on peace and sustainability in the Mediterranean region. Earlier in her career, she set up a research unit on regional philanthropy and civic engagement at the American University in Cairo. Sherine has held fellowships at Keble College at the University of Oxford, the Department of Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean at the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’ and the King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies in Saudi Arabia. She has also been a guest lecturer at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and Cranfield University in England as well as the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in Qatar. Her work can be found in the International Review of the Red Cross, the Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East, Development in Practice as well as book chapters in edited volumes with Palgrave Macmillan and James Currey. Sherine sits on the Board of Trustees of Protection Approaches, a UK charity dedicated to combatting identity-based violence in the UK and globally.

    Sherine holds a DPhil from the Department of International Development and St. Cross College at the University of Oxford.