UK Daily Life: Privacy notice

In this privacy notice, we explain the legal basis for data processing, who will have access to your personal data, how your data will be used, stored and deleted, and who you can contact a query or a complaint.

Who is collecting my data?

The UK Daily Life is being conducted on behalf of the Centre for Time Use Research (CTUR). The data you provide as part of this study will entered into a website developed and managed by Dynata and used alongside data collected by NatCen as part of the NatCen Opinion Panel study.

Why are you contacting me?

We are contacting you because you said at the end of one of our sister studies that you would be willing to take part in future research. We are inviting NatCen Opinion Panel members on behalf of CTUR to take part in the UK Daily Life study. The aim is to find out how people in the UK spend their time and how they feel. By taking part you will make sure the experiences of people like you are represented.

What if I don’t want to take part?

You are under no obligation take part in this study - taking part is your choice. If you would rather not take part in this study, simply ignore our messages or let us know.

What data is being collected?

For the UK Daily Life study we would like you to tell us what you did on specific days. As well as what you have done we would like to know, for example, how long these activities took, who you did them for and how much you enjoyed them. We will also ask some questions about you, so we can understand how different types of people spend their time.

You can find more information about your data collected as part of the NatCen Opinion Panel here.

What will you do with the information I give?

The information you give will be used for research purposes only. This includes selecting and inviting you to take part in surveys and analysis to answer research questions. Sometimes your answers will be analysed together with answers you gave to previous questionnaires to help understand things like how people’s views are changing over time. Most of the results will appear as percentages and statistics - we will not identify your individual opinion in the results without seeking your direct permission. 

Pseudonymised data (without identifying details such as your name, address or date of birth) will be shared with CTUR and may be archived for use by bona fide researchers.  You can find more information about what we do with the information you give as part of the NatCen Opinion Panel here.

Will my contact information be shared with anyone else?

Your contact information will not be shared by NatCen with CTUR or Dynata for this study. If there was a legitimate research purpose for sharing contact details or identifiable information, we would only do so with your direct permission.

You can find more about what we do with your contact information as part of the NatCen Opinion Panel here.

How will you keep my data safe?

All the information collected through the diary tool is held in accordance with current data protection legislation (GDPR).  All information you provide to us is stored on secure servers. Dynata use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access. 

You can find more about how we keep your information safe as part of the NatCen Opinion Panel here.

You can also find Dynata’s privacy notice here. 

How long will the information I give be held?

All your personal details will be held by the data processors until no longer required for research purposes, in accordance with current data protection legislation (GDPR). The pseudonymised datasets will be kept indefinitely, as they will continue to be useful to researchers and policy makers.

Under this legislation, CTUR is the ‘Data Controller’ for data collected through the diary tool, with NatCen and Dynata acting as ‘Data Processors’ on behalf of CTUR. CTUR process information on the basis of ‘Public Task’.

NatCen continue to be the “Data Controller” for your contact details and information collected as part of the NatCen Opinion Panel and we process your information for research purposes on the basis of ‘Legitimate Interest’. You can find more about this here.

Will I have access to my data?

Because your data are collected for research and statistical purposes, you do not have the right to access it or request for it to be amended.  

You can find more information about access to your data as part of the NatCen Opinion Panel here.

Any questions?

If you have any questions you can contact us on Freephone 0800 652 4569 or by emailing

You can also contact the NatCen Data Protection Officer by email:

If you wish to lodge a complaint you can email or call Freephone 0800 652 4569. 

You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.