Privacy notice: Gambling Survey of Great Britain

We take great care to protect the confidentiality of the information people give us.

Why is this data being collected?

This survey is collecting information to inform the Gambling Commission on gambling prevalence and problem gambling in Great Britain. This survey will provide high quality information on gambling behaviours, attitudes, and harms experienced either from personal or someone else’s gambling.

NatCen, working with the University of Glasgow is carrying out this survey on behalf of the Gambling Commission. To find out more about NatCen and what we do, please visit our website

Your personal data will only be used for research and statistical purposes, this means you will never receive any sales or marketing calls as a result of taking part in the study.

What is the lawful basis for processing the data?

The legal basis for processing this data is:

Art.6(1(e) – ‘processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller’

Who is the data controller?

The Gambling Commission and NatCen act together as the data controllers.

You can contact the Gambling Commission’s Data Protection Officer here: or write to:

Data Protection Officer
Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
B2 4BP

You can contact NatCen’s Data Protection Officer here:

Data Protection Officer


If you have any queries, or want to request that we change or delete your information, contact NatCen at:

Suzanne Hill,
Unit 15 Ashton Gate, Ashton Road,
Romford, Essex
0800 652 4572

Who is the data processor?

NatCen Social Research is the data processor. NatCen process the data collected so that it can be used for research, while ensuring that it will not be possible to identify any participants in the data. Please see ‘What will happen to my data’ below for further information on how your data will be treated.

What will happen to my data?

Taking part is completely voluntary and you can skip any questions you do not wish to answer. All data will be anonymised.

Your name and address will be kept separate from your answers. NatCen will use your personal data and responses solely for this research. No identifiable data will be shared outside NatCen (unless you agree to provide your information to take part in further research), and it will not be possible to identify you in any published results.

NatCen will only retain your data in a way that can identify you for as long as is necessary to support the research project and findings. In practice, this means that once we have satisfactorily obtained the research data, we will securely remove your personal, identifying data from our systems.

You have the right to request access to your data, to amend it if it is incorrect, or to ask for it to be deleted. The anonymised datasets will be kept indefinitely, as the survey data will continue to be useful to researchers and policy makers. For more information about your data, you can contact the NatCen Data Protection Officer by email: and you can read our data protection policy at

What purposes will your data be used for?

Information collected will be used to monitor the gaming, betting and playing prevalence and problem gambling across Great Britain. The results collected will provide the Gambling Commission with the evidence needed to continue to ensure players are protected from harm.

Who uses your data?


A number of government departments and associated organisations, such as the Gambling Commission and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), will use the results from the survey to make decisions that inform policy decisions.

Academics and policy makers

The report from the results of the study will be viewed by academics and policy makers, however, data will not be shared that enables any individuals or their responses to be identified. Anonymised survey information may also be shared with researchers who are viewed by NatCen as fit to carry out suitable research, but again, this will not be in a way that enables any individual or their responses to be identified.

Do I have to take part?

Taking part in this survey is not a statutory or contractual requirement, and participation is therefore completely voluntary.

There will be no consequences if you choose not to take part.

Where will my personal data be stored?

All personal data are stored securely, in line with international best practice and NatCen’s ISO27001, ISO 20252 and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications. Data will be stored on NatCen’s servers which are based in the UK.

Will any part of the processing be sub-contracted to a third party organisation?

Some elements of the processing, such as printing and postage will be sub-contracted. All sub-contractors working for NatCen come from our ‘Approved Supplier List’. These are suppliers that are already vetted by us with signed contracts and agreement already in place and refreshed every 12 months.

Will I have access to my data?

Yes, but please note that once your data is aggregated and anonymised, we would not be able to change the results by removing individual information. However, you can request that your personal data be deleted or updated and we will let you know if this is possible or not.

You have the right to access your personal data within the period that NatCen holds it. Providing responses to this survey is entirely voluntary. You have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data at any time, although once data is analysed it is not possible to withdraw your data from the outputs.

You also have the right to rectify any incorrect or out-of-date personal data about you which we may hold. If you want to exercise your right please contact us at

We must generally respond to requests in relation to your rights within one month, although there are some exceptions to this.


If you believe we have not complied with your data protection rights you can contact us at You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House
Water Line

Telephone – 0303 123 1113