Gambling Survey of Great Britain
The survey asks for your views on and experiences of playing different games, lotteries and betting, and the effects that these activities may or may not have on people’s lives’. We want to hear from you whether or not you play games, lotteries or bet.
Who is carrying out the research?
The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), an independent research agency and the University of Glasgow are carrying out this study. It has been funded by the Gambling Commission who is sponsored by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
You can find out more about the survey on the Gambling Commission website here when information regarding the publication of survey results will be announced.
Why take part?
The Gambling Survey of Great Britain provides the Gambling Commission with high-quality information about the gaming, betting and playing habits, attitudes and harms experienced across the adult population in Great Britain. The information collected will be used to inform policy changes in the gaming, betting and playing industry and will be written up in reports for policy makers to use in their decision-making process. By taking part you are helping us understand the involvement of gaming, betting and playing in people’s lives and how these activities may cause harm to some but not others.
Why have I been selected to take part?
Your address has been specially selected to represent how people just like you in Britain, view gaming lotteries and betting. Your address was chosen at random from the Postcode Address File which is held by the Post Office and is available to the public. We are looking for two adults per household, aged 18 or older, to take part in the study.
What will happen to any information I give?
We will handle your data in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The survey findings are anonymised and nothing we publish will identify you. The results collected will be used for research and statistical purposes only. All identifiable information will be stored securely. You can request at any time for your identifiable data to be deleted. To do this, please get in touch with NatCen using the contact details provided below.
For further information on how the information you provide will be used, please see the privacy information here.
What will taking part involve?
We will be asking up to two adults (aged 18 or older) to take part in the survey. If there are more than two adults in your household then please ask those who most recently had a birthday to take part. There are two ways you can take part online:
- Simply scan one of the QR codes on the survey invitation letter. Or;
- Visit the following web page
At the top right hand side of you invention letter you will have a batch number.
If the batch number on your invitation letter is 8 go to:
If the batch number is 1 or 2 go to:
Type the address exactly as shown (above) into the address bar of your web browser then Enter one of the unique access codes provided in the letter you received. Please note each access code can only be used once.
You will then be asked a series of survey questions that should take 20 minutes to complete. If you complete the survey online you will receive a £10 e-voucher. It may take a couple of weeks for your e-voucher to arrive. The voucher can be spent at a large range of UK stores and attractions. Visit for more information.
I am not able to complete the survey online?
That is not a problem, we also offer the option for the survey to be completed on a paper questionnaire. If this has not happened yet you will soon receive a letter containing two paper copies of the questionnaire (for up to two adults aged 18 or older to complete) and completion instructions. Two pre-paid envelopes will be provided for you to return the completed questionnaire(s) to us. If you complete a paper questionnaire and return it to us you will receive a £10 voucher in the post. Please note that your voucher should arrive within 1 calendar month from the day you post the completed questionnaire.
Privacy notice
We take great care to protect the confidentiality of the information people give us. Click here to view the privacy notice.
Contact us
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss the study, please call freephone 0800 652 4570 or email