Opinion Study for the UK
About the study
The Opinion Study for the UK is an online survey of carefully selected people who are asked to give their views on a wide range of topical social issues, such as family life, work, health, the media and politics. The information collected will provide researchers and policy makers (amongst others) with valuable insights regarding the most important topics in our society today. The survey is also taking place in other European countries, allowing researchers to make international comparisons.
Why have I been asked to join?
When you took part in an interview for the UK Opinion Study, your interviewer asked if you would be willing to join the Opinion Study for the UK. At the time you provided us with some contact details.
Everyone we have invited to take part has been carefully selected to provide a truly representative picture of people living in the UK.
What next?
The first survey will be issued in February 2022. You will receive a letter or email inviting you to take part.
If you are asked to join the study before October 2021 you will also be invited to fill in a very short Welcome Survey (also on the internet).
Keeping in touch
If your contact details have changed, please contact us on opinion2021@natcen.ac.uk or 0800 652 2704.
For more information please contact Alun Humphrey at opinion2021@natcen.ac.uk or 0800 652 2704.