Privacy Notice: Preparing for the Future Study

In line with the Data Protection Act (2018) there are certain things that we need to let you, a research participant, know about how your information will be processed. In this privacy notice, we explain the legal basis for data processing, who will have access to your personal data, how your data will be used, stored and deleted and who you can contact with a query or a complaint.

What is the legal basis for processing my data?

The Department for Work and Pensions are the data controller for this project. This means that they are responsible for deciding the purpose and legal basis for processing data. For this project, the legal basis for processing data is “public task”.

You can contact the Department for Work and Pensions with any questions about the research. Please contact Inez Gallagher (

The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is a data processor for this project. They are working with WPI Economics, the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) and Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) to design the study and interpret the data.

Who will have access to my personal data?

If you were invited to complete the survey by telephone: 

You will have been recruited to join the study by an organisation called Propeller Ltd.  Propeller passed on your contact details to NatCen for the purposes of this study. 

NatCen will also have access to the answers you give during the survey. Your personal data will not be shared with any other organisation. 

If you were invited to complete the survey online: 

You will have been recruited to join the study through our NatCen Opinion Panel. We have contacted you because you said at the end of one of our sister studies that you would be willing to take part in future research. To see the NatCen Opinion Panel privacy policy, visit NatCen Opinion Panel: privacy notice | National Centre for Social Research

How will my survey answers be treated?

The results collected are used for research purposes only. Your answers will be put together with those from everyone else taking part in the study.  Any findings reported will not identify anyone who took part in the study.

NatCen will securely delete personal information collected as part of this study within 3 months of your interview taking place. 

Who can I contact with a query or a complaint?

If you have any questions about how your data will be used, please contact the Department for Work and Pensions’ Data Protection Officer:

Dominic Hartley 

DWP Data Protection Team 
Benton Park View 6 
Room BP6001 
Mail Handling Site A 
WV98 1ZX Under GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at

Up to the point when we finish data collection (September 1st 2024) you also have to right to have your survey answers deleted. If you have taken part in the survey but would like to withdraw your data, please contact with your unique reference number, which can be found at the top of any letter or email you have received about the survey.