Mariya Yanishevskaya
Mariya is interested in participatory methodologies and using creative tools to meaningfully engage and empower research participants. She strongly believes in the value of co-creation when it comes to social policy research, particularly where it enhances the voices of often excluded or under-represented groups.
Prior to joining NatCen, Mariya managed and delivered research and evaluation projects in a broad range of UK and international social policy areas including Education, Health, Migration and Social Inclusion. She specialised in qualitative research methods and using sensitive and participatory designs to engage participants with lived experience and address challenging topic areas. She also has extensive experience in conducting research involving children and young people and has experimented with visual and other creative tools to enhance engagement.
Growing up in China, in a multicultural household, Mariya has always been interested in how our experiences, interactions, and senses of belonging and community are shaped in a transnational context. This led her to complete a Masters in Migration Studies at the University of Oxford, where she was also a research assistant at the Centre for Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS).
At the Centre for Deliberation, Mariya brings her experience in social policy issues and passion for innovative, participatory methodologies to the exciting and evolving field of deliberative research.