Researching the Stigmatisation and Discrimination of People who Experience Gambling Harms

This study will research the stigma and discrimination that people who experience gambling harms may face.


GambleAware is an independent charity that provides support and information to help people make informed decisions about their gambling. The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and the University of Wolverhampton has received funding from GambleAware to research the stigma and discrimination that people who experience gambling harms may face.  

About the study

As part of this research, we (NatCen) would like to interview people to understand any stigmatising experiences that they may have had, however they understand the word.  This research will make suggestions to improve access to treatment and support services, as well as make recommendations for policies and interventions to help reduce gambling related stigma and discrimination. 

Please see below for what we mean by gambling harms and stigma:

  • Gambling harms: refers to the negative impacts from gambling on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, communities, and society, which impact people’s resources, relationships, and health.
  • Stigma: a process by which someone who experiences gambling harm is seen in a more negative way by others or themselves, compared to those who do not gamble, which can lead to discrimination.

What is my involvement?

Taking part will involve participating in an interview with a NatCen researcher. The interview will last up to 70 minutes. This will take place over the phone or using Microsoft Teams at a time and date convenient for you. With your permission, the interview will be audio recorded using secure and encrypted software, so that there is a detailed and accurate record of the conversation. 

As a thank you for your time, you will receive a £30 Love2Shop voucher which can be used at many high-street shops and can also be exchanged for gift cards for specific shops (such as Asda, M&S and Sainsbury’s). The voucher will be sent to you after completing the interview.

Key interview topics

Key interview topics will include:

  • Your experiences with gambling, including types of gambling activity and frequency;
  • Any experience you have of stigma and discrimination related to gambling harm (e.g. from friends, family, your workplace, treatment services or the wider community);
  • Your views on how treatment and support services can break down barriers related to stigma; 
  • How, if at all, your experiences of gambling stigma relates to any other aspects of your identity or life experience;
  • Any recommendations you may have for challenging gambling related stigma and discrimination. 

Is the discussion confidential? 

Yes. The information you provide will be anonymised in a report we prepare for Gamble Aware, so you cannot be identified. We will not share your details or what you have said with GambleAware or anybody else outside of the research team. The only exception is if you talk about something which we believe puts you or another person at significant risk of harm. In that case, we will have to tell someone else at our workplace who will decide if we need to tell the relevant authorities. We will always try to discuss this with you first.

We will store your personal data securely in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This research has been approved by NatCen’s Research Ethics Committee. Your personal details and the interview data collected will be deleted as soon as possible after the completion of the project, due in Summer 2024.

For further information about how your information will be handled, please see the privacy notice.

Do I have to take part? 

Participation is entirely voluntary and if you agree to participate you are free to change your mind at any point before, during, and after the interview until we analyse the data. During the interview discussion, you are also free not to answer any questions you would prefer not to answer.

How can I take part? 

Please email with your availability. We will respond to your email to arrange a short phone call before inviting you to participate in an interview to better understand your experiences and answer any questions you have. 

Who is carrying out the research?

Click here to find out more about who NatCen are

Contact us

For more information or to ask any question please contact the project team at:

Phone: 0207 549 7191