National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS)

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey is a scientific study of people’s eating habits which has taken place across the UK every year since 2008.

About the study

The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) has been asked to carry out research to help the Government understand and improve our health, and keep our food safe, by looking at people’s eating habits and nutrient intakes.

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) is a scientific study of people’s eating habits which has taken place across the UK every year since 2008. By taking part in the survey you can help the government improve public health and protect food safety.

Make your voice heard

We randomly select a number of addresses each year. Within these, we are looking for up to two adults and/or one or two young people (aged 12 months to 18 years) to take part in this important study. Your views will help to inform Government policy around diet and nutrition.

Who funds NDNS?

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) are funding the National Centre for Social Research and the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge to carry out this study.

DHSC will drive the prevention agenda across government to reduce health disparities, and improve the public’s health.

The Food Standards Agency is an independent government department responsible for food safety and hygiene across the UK. They work with businesses to help them produce safe food, and with local authorities to enforce food safety regulations.

What's involved?

If your household has been selected to take part, you will receive an invitation letter in the post. In some households we are asking up to two adults (aged 19 or older) and one young person (aged 1 to 18) to take part. In other households we will invite up to two young people (aged 1 to 18) to take part. A parent may be asked to help younger children take part. 

Taking part in NDNS involves:

  • Answering some online questions about eating habits, including recording what you ate or drank yesterday – this will take about 45 minutes.
  • Recording online what you ate and drank on 3 further days – each will take around 20 minutes to complete. 
  • Providing a spot urine sample and posting it back to us (if 4 years and older).

> Click on the survey link if you have been invited to take part in the survey:

The biomedical fieldworker visit 

The second stage of the survey, if you agree, is an in-home visit by a qualified biomedical fieldworker. The biomedical fieldworker will ask you some questions about your health and, if you consent, take some physical measurements, including a blood sample.

No need to prepare

There’s no need to prepare for the interview. You don’t need any special knowledge; we just want to hear about your eating and drinking habits.

Who are NatCen?

Read more

Why have I been chosen?

Why you’re so important to us

We’ve chosen your address at random to make sure we get a truly representative picture of everyone in the UK. Your address can’t be replaced by anyone else, as this would bias the results. Therefore your views are particularly important to us.

At each address, we will invite up to two adults (aged 19 years or older) and one young person (aged 1to 18 years) or up to two young people (aged 1 to 18 years) to take part in the study.

We want to hear from everyone

It’s really important to us and our clients that our research represents the views of everyone living in the UK. Whether you’re old or young, rich or poor, living in Land’s End, John O’Groats or Belfast, we value your opinion.

Whoever you are, whatever you think, your opinion is important to us. Taking part is an opportunity to tell influential people who make the decisions in government what you really think.

Why take part?

A token of our appreciation

As a thank you for taking part, you can receive up to £50, depending on which elements of the study you take part in. For example, we offer each person who completes four 24-hour dietary recalls e-vouchers totalling £10 and personalised dietary feedback.

How NDNS makes a difference 

By taking part in the survey you are helping the government to understand how the nation's diet is changing.

This information is used by the government to develop public health initiatives such as the 5 A DAY campaign and monitor the pledges made by food manufacturers to reduce things like sugar and salt in their products.


Recording what you have eaten using Intake24

Intake24 is an online tool used to record everything you have eaten and drunk the previous day. We call this a 24-hour dietary recall.

For children aged 10 and under, a parent or carer can complete the dietary recall on behalf of their child. The child should be present to help where appropriate. Children aged 11 and over can complete the dietary recall themselves (with the help of a parent or carer where necessary).

What’s involved?

As part of NDNS we are asking everyone to complete four dietary recalls. The first recall you will do as part of the questionnaire. You will then be sent a link to Intake24 via email or text to complete the next three recalls. The recalls will be spread across different days. A reminder message will be sent via email or text to prompt you to complete each recall. 

For each dietary recall you will be asked to enter individual food and drink items consumed throughout the previous day and to record how much of the food or drink you had.

Each dietary recall should take about 20 minutes. Some people may take less or more time.

If you need assistance completing your recalls, you can contact us on 0800 652 4572. 

Why is it important to complete the recalls?

The information collected from the dietary recalls is used to help us understand the links between diet and health. By completing the recalls, we can create a better picture of the eating habits across our nation. This is important so that we can improve our health and keep our food safe.

What will I receive for taking part?

If you complete the online questionnaire including the first recall, you will receive a £10 Love2Shop e-voucher. If you complete all four recalls, you will receive another £10 Love2Shop e-voucher.

In addition to receiving e-vouchers, if you complete all four recalls you will be able to view, download, or print personalised dietary feedback based on the food and drink you have recorded.

Here is an example of personalised dietary feedback:

Example of dietary feedback given for taking part in NDNS

How can I access Intake24?

As part of the questionnaire, there will be a link to Intake24 for you to start your first recall.

The link to the survey is:

If you provided your contact details (either email address or mobile number), you will be sent an invitation with a link to Intake24 to complete a recall on three more occasions in the next 2 weeks.

Linking your data 

Click here to find out more about what linking data is and why it is important.

Privacy notice

We will handle your data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The survey findings are anonymised and nothing we publish will identify you.

Click here to read the privacy notice.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the study that are not covered here, please do get in touch with us. One of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.


Telephone: 0800 652 4572

Participant information letter 

There are two types of participation information letter depending on your address type:  

Information for young people 

Spot urine collection for iodine

The biomedical visit leaflet