Interviews and focus groups about support needs of health and disability claimants

This study seeks to understand the support needs of those receiving health and disability benefits.

What is the research about?

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is interested in learning more about people’s experiences of receiving government support because of a disability or health condition. The research is being carried out to better understand what support people need, including support to access work.

Who is conducting this research?

The DWP has commissioned the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), an independent research organisation, to carry out this research.

Why have I been asked to take part?

You recently took part in our survey about your experiences of receiving government support for a health condition or disability. As part of the survey, you agreed to be contacted to take part in a follow up interview or focus group.

I’ve been asked to take part in an interview. What will this involve?

Taking part in an interview will involve a 60-minute conversation with a researcher from NatCen. The interviews will take place between September and December 2024. They will be held online, by telephone or in person at a time chosen by you.

During the interview we will ask you about:

  • your disability or health condition 
  • the government support you receive 
  • if work is an option for you, the type of work you would like to do
  • barriers you face to accessing this type of work
  • any support that could help you access this type of work

I’ve been asked to take part in a focus group. What will this involve?

Taking part in a focus group will involve an online or in-person group discussion lasting up to 2 hours which will be conducted by a NatCen researcher. The discussion will be with up to 7 other people who all have a similar disability or health condition to yourself.

During the focus group you will be asked to discuss:

  • Your views and experiences of work
  • What makes it easier or more difficult to access work
  • Feedback on different types of support that could be offered to help people in similar circumstances to access work.

Why take part?

There are no right or wrong answers, and you do not need to prepare anything in advance, we just want to hear about your views and experiences.

Taking part will provide you with an opportunity to share with DWP your experiences of receiving government support and any additional support you may need, including to access work. As a thank you for taking part, you will also receive a £40 Love2Shop voucher for an interview or £60 Love2shop voucher for a focus group that you can spend in many high street shops. Receiving this voucher won’t affect your benefits now or any time in the future.

Do I have to take part?

Taking part is completely voluntary. If you agree to attend an interview or focus group, you can withdraw at any time, and you do not have to give a reason. You may also choose not to answer any of the questions you do not wish to discuss.

You can contact NatCen either by phone on 08006524546 or by email at if you no longer wish to take part. If you are receiving benefits your decision whether to take part will not affect your benefits, either now or at any time in the future.

Can I have special arrangements?

Yes. When we contacted you to schedule the interview or focus group, we will have asked if you require special arrangements. This includes, for example, if you want to take regular breaks, see a list of the topics to be discussed beforehand, have someone with you during the interview or focus group or to use live closed captioning (i.e. subtitles) to help you follow the discussion.

Our researchers will be aware of your requirements beforehand. However, we will also ask you at the start of the interview or focus group, whether there is anything else you need. If there is anything else we can do to help you participate, please let us know as soon as possible.

What will happen to the information I give?

Everything you say in the interview or focus group will remain anonymous in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). This means we will not tell anyone that you have taken part in the study or what you specifically have said.

The only exception is if you talk about something which we believe puts you or another person at significant risk of harm. In that case, we will have to seek advice from senior colleagues at our workplace who are specially trained. They will decide on the next steps, which could include contacting the relevant authorities or taking no action. We will always try to discuss this with you first.

With your permission, we will audio-record the interview or focus group so that nothing you say is forgotten. The recording will be stored securely and will be destroyed 6 months after the research is complete. We will use the information from the interviews and focus groups to write a report for DWP. It will not be possible to identify any individuals in the report.

For more information on how your data will be used, visit the privacy notice.

How do I know this research is genuine?

You can check the authenticity of this research by contacting DWP at

You can find out more about DWP’s research programme here:

You can also contact NatCen’s research team to ask any questions about the study.

Contact us:

If you have any questions, please contact us on or call us free on 0800 652 4569. 

If you wish to contact the DWP about this study, email