Future Transport Zones evaluation: stakeholder interviews

This information on the Future Transport Zones evaluation is for members of the public who have been invited to take part in stakeholder interviews.

About the study

We have been commissioned by the Department for Transport (DfT) to carry out the national evaluation of the Future Transport Zones (FTZ) programme. The FTZ programme involves innovative transport interventions being trialled in four areas of the country: the West Midlands, Derby and Nottingham, the West of England and the Solent area (Southampton, Portsmouth and Hampshire).

The national evaluation aims to bring together cross-cutting insights from local evaluations being conducted in each FTZ area about how to design and implement successful interventions.
As part of the national evaluation and to complement research activities taking place locally, NatCen will be conducting primary data collection as part of a longitudinal Implementation and Process Evaluation (IPE) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) case study over the course of the FTZ programme.

The aim of the IPE is to explore how the FTZ programme is being implemented in each area, in order to understand what has gone well and what has proved challenging, and to capture lessons learnt throughout the process.

The MaaS case study will focus on the delivery of MaaS schemes in each of the four areas  and the associated data infrastructure that underpin them. This case study will involve research with the general public as well as interviews with those who have been working on delivering MaaS in each area. This case study will explore each area’s strategic approach to MaaS, the back-end development alongside public attitudes and users’ experiences once the service is launched.

Taking part in the research

What will taking part involve?

Taking part will involve participating in a depth interview with a NatCen researcher. The interview will explore your experiences and views of how the FTZ programme has been implemented including what has gone well, anything that’s proved challenging and any lessons learned throughout the process.

It will last up to one hour and you will have the choice of taking part via telephone or video call. It will be scheduled in October or November 2024 at a time and date that is convenient for you.

Why have I been selected to take part? 

As part of the study, we will be carrying out interviews with stakeholders in each FTZ area. You have been selected because of your involvement in the FTZ programme in one of the areas. Although you have been identified as a key stakeholder, your participation is completely voluntary. If you agree to take part, you will be free to skip any questions you do not wish to discuss, or to withdraw at any stage of the interview.

What will happen to any information I give?

The interviews will be audio recorded and transcribed by McGowan Transcriptions so that we have an accurate record of what you said. Only McGowan Transcriptions and the research team will have access to the recordings or transcripts, which will be kept securely and then destroyed when the research study is complete. McGowan Transcriptions are compliant with all our information security policies.

We will provide the DfT with a report summarising our findings about how the well interventions are working and why. We will not name any individuals and will anonymise the findings as far as possible. However, given the nature of the programme, it is possible that your view might be identifiable by others who work on the programme. We will discuss this with you before the interview and ensure you are able to review your contribution at the end of the discussion.

Please read our privacy notice for more details about how we will process your data.

Contact us

If you wish to opt-in to the research directly, or have any questions about the research, please contact us by emailing: FTZevaluation@natcen.ac.uk

Find out more: 

For anything not covered on here, please email FTZevaluation@natcen.ac.uk. One of the research team will get back to you to answer your query as soon as possible.