The online National Study of Health and Relationships (Natsal) 2023

In this privacy notice, we explain the legal basis for data processing, who will have access to your personal data, how your data will be used, stored and deleted, and who you can contact with a query or a complaint.

Who is collecting my data?

The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is Britain’s largest independent social research agency. For over 50 years, we have been working with charities, universities and government to find out what people really think about the big issues. NatCen is independent of all government departments and political parties.

Why are you contacting me?

We are contacting you because you said at the end of one of our sister studies that you would be willing to take part in future research. The NatCen Panel is an exciting research project, funded by charities, universities and public bodies, which follows thousands of people in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The aim is to provide a truly representative picture of the UK. By taking part you’ll be making your opinion on important issues count and ensuring that your views, and the views of people like you, are represented.

Who is doing the research?

This study is being carried out by NatCen Social Research (NatCen), University College London (UCL), the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the University of Glasgow and Örebro University Hospital, Sweden. The study is funded through the Wellcome Trust, Economic and Social Research Council and the National Institute for Health Research.

What is the study about?

This is a study on health and relationships in Britain and is one of the largest studies of its kind in the world. The study is sometimes also called Natsal – the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. It has taken place every 10 years since 1990 and the findings have been widely used by doctors, health service providers, policy makers and scientists to help plan health services and health education programmes. The last survey was in 2010, and we now need updated information to understand how attitudes and lifestyles have changed.

Do I have to take part?

Taking part is voluntary and if you do decide to take part, you can choose to answer as many or as few questions as you like. You can withdraw your consent at any point in time by contacting NatCen using the details below.

What will happen to any information I give?

Any information given will be treated in confidence and we will handle your data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The survey findings will be anonymised and nothing we publish will identify you or your household.

Personal identifiers that can be used to identify you (such as your name and address) will be stored separately from your survey answers. Personal identifiers will not be shared outside NatCen, unless you agreed to have your survey answers linked to other datasets.

We will create a dataset that combines your data with the information collected from other people who take part in the study. The dataset will not include information which could directly identify you. This de-identified data will only be used for activities that have the potential to benefit wider society (e.g. research, education, policy making, public engagement). No statistics or findings will be released in a way that could identify an individual.

Will my contact information be shared with anyone else?

We will never share your contact details with third parties, including government, charities or commercial companies for marketing purposes.  If there was a legitimate research purpose for sharing contact details or identifiable information, we would only do so with your direct permission.

What is the legal basis for processing this data?

The Joint Data Controllers for the Natsal Panel study are NatCen, UCL, LSHTM, the University of Glasgow and Örebro University Hospital, Sweden. NatCen is the responsible point of contact and is the Data Controller for your contact details and demographic information. NatCen process your information for research purposes on the basis of legitimate interest. UCL, LSHTM, the University of Glasgow and Örebro University Hospital, Sweden are the Data Controllers for your other survey answers and data. They process your information on the basis of performance of a task in the public interest. The lawful basis for processing special category data is for the purpose of archiving, research and statistics.

Linking survey answers to other information?

We will ask for your consent to link your survey answers to other datasets about your health, education, and administrative and survey datasets held by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

If you agree, NatCen will securely transfer your personal details (name, address, sex and date of birth) to the organisations that hold your health, education and other administrative and survey records. These can be NHS organisations and government departments in the UK, and also University and Statistics Authorities which are tasked with the secure use of records in research.

Once your records have been identified your personal details will be removed and replaced with a unique study identifier. This will then allow the organisations holding your administrative records to make a copy of the relevant parts of your record. These will then be combined with your survey answers and transferred to a secure research server, which enables secure storage, handling and analysing of data under restricted access arrangements.

The linked data will be used for research and statistical purposes only, by approved professional, academic and social policy researchers. Access to the data by these researchers will only be granted through a separate written application and training process. This ensures that the data is used responsibly and safely. Permission will only be given to researchers who can explain the potential impact of the research and its wider value for society.

Names and addresses will never be included in the research dataset, nor any published results, and so no individual will be identifiable from the research.

What happens to my biological samples?

If you give a biological sample, we will test this in a certified laboratory for some infections that can be transmitted through sexual activity, as well as other microbes that are harmless and live in the genital tract. The tests do not involve human DNA or human genetic analysis. Sample collection and storage is controlled by the Human Tissue Act (2004). The laboratory will not know your name or address. The data will be kept strictly confidential, and no results will ever be traced to you or given to you.

Samples will be sent to certified laboratories including The Doctors Laboratory (TDL) and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA - previously part of Public Health England). The samples may be sent to Natsal Investigators and collaborators, including at the World Health Organization STI Reference centre in Sweden and the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK.

We will ask you separately for consent to store what is left over from your sample after the initial tests have been done. If you agree, any remaining sample may be used for future studies, for example, when new tests become available. The tests will never involve analysis of human DNA or genetics. Stored samples will only be used for future studies if all necessary approvals and permissions have been obtained in advance. The sample will not be labelled with your identifying information.

How long will you keep my data?

Natsal gives us very important information about how people’s health and relationships have changed over time. To help us do this, we would like to keep information about people’s health and relationships, so we can look at trends over time. Due to the nature of research, we are unable to set any particular time limit on the retention of your personal details, survey data and samples. However, in accordance with current data protection legislation (GDPR), we will keep it under regular review and ensure that neither are kept longer than is necessary. 

If you give permission for us to store any remaining biological sample, it will be stored until it is used in future research studies. If you do not consent to the storage of biological samples, we will destroy any samples you give within 12 months of the end of the study.

What if I change my mind?

You can withdraw your consent to participate in the study at any point in time by contacting NatCen using the details below.  We will remove your survey answers but we will not remove data from de-identified datasets. For biological samples, NatCen will inform the relevant laboratories and the sample will be destroyed.

Where is my data stored?

NatCen will securely store your data, including personal identifiers, in line with ISO27001, ISO 20252 and Cyber Essentials Plus certification.

The de-identified data will be held as a resource for use by professional, academic and social policy researchers for research, educational and statistical purposes only. This dataset will be held on a secure research server, which enables secure storage, handling and analysing of data under restricted access arrangements.

Together with the previous Natsal survey datasets, a copy of the de-identified data will be securely deposited in the UK Data Archive, which is based at the University of Essex and operates under a licencing agreement. Researchers can register with the UK Data Archive to access Natsal data, which can only be used for genuine research for public interest and never for commercial gain.

Who can I contact?

For more information about the study you can visit

If you have any queries, or want to request that we change or delete your information, please contact NatCen on; Freephone 0800 652 4569 or NatCen Social Research, Kings House, 101-135 Kings Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4LX.

You can contact the NatCen Data Protection Officer by email at To read our data protection policy, visit Data Protection Officers are responsible for upholding your rights and making sure we process your information correctly.

If you have a complaint, please get in touch by contacting NatCen on or Freephone 0800 652 4569. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF, telephone 0303 123 1113, make a complaint, website:

The NatCen Opinion Panel Privacy Notice can be found here.

UCL’s General Privacy Notice can be found here.