Thank you very much for your help with this study. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) on freephone 0800 652 4568.

NatCen is an independent, not for profit social research organisation. We are aware that interviews may raise issues about which you might like further advice and support. This information sheet provides you with some telephone numbers and services which you may find useful.


For general information on sexual health, visit

To find your nearest sexual health services, visit

To find GP services near you, visit

For information on NHS cervical screening, visit


For support and advice on a range of relationship issues, visit


For information and advice on mental health, visit

Call: 0300 123 3393 9am-6pm Mon-Fri


For counselling and advice on any issue of concern, visit

Call: 116 123



Miscarriage Association

For support and information on pregnancy loss, visit

Call: 01924 200799, 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri


Sands - Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity

For support and advice for bereaved parents and families, visit

Call: 0808 164 3332, 10am-3pm Mon-Fri and 6pm-9pm Tues and Thurs



For support and information on pregnancy and pregnancy loss, visit

Call: 0800 0147 800, 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri


The Survivors Trust

For information, advice and support for people who have experienced sexual violence or abuse, visit

Call: 08088 010818, 10am-12:30pm Mon-Fri, 1.30pm-5.30pm Mon-Fri, 6pm-8pm Mon-Thur, 10am-1pm Sat and 5pm-8pm Sun. 24 hour answer machine

Rape Crisis

For advice on where to get specialist support and services to women and girls who have experienced rape, sexual violence, or sexual abuse, visit

Call: 0808 802 9999, open 24/7 every day of the year

Survivors UK

For information and advice for men who have experienced sexual abuse and assault, visit

To chat via SMS, text 020 3322 1860, 12pm-8pm, Mon-Sun.


For support for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, visit

Call: 0808 801 0331, 10am-9pm Mon-Thurs, 10am-6pm Fri.

Sharing of sexual images

For support and advice for people who have had sexual images of themselves shared without their permission, visit

Call: 0345 6000 459, 10am-4pm Mon-Fri, Email:


National Domestic Violence Helpline

Provides support and information to women experiencing domestic violence. 0808 2000 247 (open 24 hrs) or chat through their website Monday to Friday, 3pm-10pm.

Men’s advice line

Provides advice and support for all men experiencing domestic violence. 0808 801 0327 (open Mon-Fri 9am-8pm). Email support: (open Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm).


LGBT Switchboard

For information and support around issues of sexuality or gender identity, visit

Call: 0300 330 0630, 10am-10pm, every day


LGBT Foundation

For advice, support and information services, visit

Call: 0345 330 3030, 9am-9pm Mon-Fri.


Contact us for further information

Please ask the interviewer about anything that concerns you.

You can withdraw your consent at any point in time by contacting NatCen Social Research using the details below. We will remove data about you that is personally identifiable (e.g. contains information such as your name, address), but we will not remove data from depersonalised datasets.

You can contact NatCen Social Research by writing to 35 Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0AX; calling on freephone 0800 652 4568 or emailing

The Natsal research team is from NatCen Social Research (NatCen), University College London (UCL), the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the University of Glasgow.