Interviews about the Cost of Living Payments

This evaluation seeks to understand the impact of the cost of living payments for households who are receiving certain benefits throughout the UK.

About the study

As part of this project, a selected group of those who received one or more cost of living payments were invited to complete a short survey about their experience. Some people who completed the survey have now been invited to take part in a follow up interview with one of NatCen’s researchers to understand their experiences of receiving the cost of living payments in more depth.   

Why have I been selected to take part? 

You recently took part in our survey about payments you received to help with the cost of living. As part of the survey, you agreed to be contacted to take part in a follow up interview. 

What will the interviews be about?

During the interview we will ask you about: 

  • your experiences of cost of living pressures before receiving the payment(s)
  • whether the additional payment(s) helped with these costs (and if so, how they helped)
  • how the additional payment(s) compare to other means of support you receive

To help with this discussion, you may want to think about how you used the additional payment(s) ahead of the interview. Looking at bank account statements or receipts may help you remember. 

Why take part? 

Taking part will provide you with an opportunity to share with DWP your views on whether you found the payments helpful and your experience of this type of support.

As a thank you for taking part you will also receive a Love2shop voucher. This voucher will be worth £40. If you are receiving benefits, receiving these vouchers will not affect your benefits now or at any time in the future. 

Who is conducting this research?

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has commissioned the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), an independent research organisation, to carry out this research.

What will taking part involve?

You have been invited to take part in a 45minute interview with a researcher from NatCen. The interviews will take place between January and March 2024. They will be held online, by telephone, or in person - at a time chosen by you. 

You may be invited to a second interview in May 2024 to ask about whether the payments have continued to be helpful. This would be a shorter 30-minute interview. 

Do I have to take part?

Taking part is completely voluntary. If you agree to attend an interview, you can withdraw at any time and you do not have to give a reason. You may also choose not to answer any of the questions you do not wish to discuss

You can contact NatCen either by phone on 0800 652 4568 or by email at if you no longer wish to take part. If you are receiving benefits your decision whether to take part will not affect your benefits, either now or at any time in the future. 

What will happen to the information I give?

We will write a report about the main issues and themes that have been discussed. We will not name you personally in the report and it will not be possible to identify you. We will make sure your responses are anonymised.

We will record the interview so that nothing you say is forgotten. The recording will be kept securely and will be destroyed when the study has been completed.

Everything you say in the interview will be kept confidential, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). NatCen will not share any identifiable information with DWP at any point.

For further information on how your data will be used, please see the privacy notice.

Can I have special arrangements? 

Yes. When we contacted you to schedule the interview, we will have asked if you require special arrangements. This includes, for example, if you want breaks or to have someone with you during the interview.

Our researchers will be aware of your requirements beforehand. However, we will also ask you at the start of the interview, whether there is anything else you need.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us on or call us free on 0800 652 4568. If you wish to contact the DWP about this study, email research.colp@DWP.GOV.UK.