Understanding how effective interventions are for gambling harm

Harm from gambling poses a significant public health challenge in Great Britain. Historically, gambling harm has been viewed as an individual, clinical issue, with research focusing on individual or behavioural drivers and treatment. However, the last decade has seen a shift towards a public health perspective, recognising the need to tackle the intersecting social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors which interact to increase the risk of these harms. Key to this task is understanding the impact of societal inequality on gambling harms.
The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) recently conducted six scoping reviews focused on understanding rates and drivers of gambling harms, as well as barriers and facilitators to treatment and support among communities in Great Britain (and in comparable contexts) who are subject to disproportionate marginalisation and social exclusion.
Across varied communities (ranging from older people, to people with experience of migration, to people living with disabilities) our study identified several common drivers for gambling participation – which can lead to gambling harm. This included:
These factors are leading to higher levels of gambling participation and gambling harm among some communities and emphasise the need to understand and approach gambling harms at a societal level.
From our findings, it is clear that to understand drivers of gambling harm, it is essential to also understand society in Great Britain – and the consequences of structural inequality, social exclusion, discrimination, and criminalisation.
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