Experiences of HMRC guidance and information: Privacy notice

In line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there are certain things that we need to let you, a research participant, know about how your information will be processed. In this privacy notice, we explain the legal basis for data processing, who will have access to your personal data, how your data will be used, stored and deleted, and who you can contact with a query or a complaint.

Who is collecting my data?

NatCen are carrying out this research on behalf of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to better understand how customers perceive different HMRC messages via third-party intermediaries in order to reduce customer tax filing and reporting errors. NatCen Social Research is Britain’s largest independent social research agency. For over 50 years, we have been working with charities, universities and government to find out what people really think about the big issues. NatCen is independent of all government departments and political parties.

What data is being collected?

NatCen are working with Criteria, who will help to recruit participants for the interviews. Criteria is on our approved supplier list and compliant with all of our information security policies. If you agree to take part in this research, your contact details will be transferred by Criteria to NatCen using a secure file transfer system and stored in a secure folder on NatCen’s server. We will not share your contact details with third parties. Your personal details will not be held for any longer than is necessary and will be securely deleted once the research has been completed.

Personal data (such as age, gender etc.) will be collected during this research, alongside demographic and attitudinal data. However, all responses will be anonymised for analysis, so you will not be identifiable.

Who will access your personal data?

Your data will be held securely by NatCen in line with the GDPR. Only the NatCen research team and the transcription service that we work with, McGowan Transcriptions, will have access to personal data that you provide in the interview. All third parties that we work with are required to demonstrate and provide evidence that their work complies with our information security procedures at all times.

Your data will be handled in accordance with data protection legislation (gdpr-info.eu).

Find the NatCen privacy policy here.

Find the HMRC’s personal information charter here.

All information you provide in the study will remain confidential. NatCen will not share any identifiable information with HMRC at any point. Taking part in an interview will not affect your relationship with HMRC in any way.

What will you do with the information I give?

The data collected will be used for research purposes only.

All personal information, and any other data held on the project, will be securely deleted within 6 months of project completion.

All interview responses will be anonymised before being analysed. All data will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Will my contact information be shared with anyone else?

We will never share your contact details with third parties, including government, charities or commercial companies for marketing purposes. If there was a legitimate research purpose for sharing contact details or identifiable information, we would only do so with your direct permission.

What is our legal basis for processing data?

For this research the legal basis for processing data is “public task”, because it is being carried out on behalf of HM Revenue and Customs which is exercising official authority in evaluating government policy. Find out more about HMRC’s research programme.

Who is the data controller and who is the data processer?

The data controller is HM Revenue and Customs:

HM Revenue and Customs
100 Parliament St


The data processor is the National Centre for Social Research:

National Centre for Social Research
35 Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, London,

Will I have access to my information?

Yes, but please note that once data is aggregated, anonymised or research findings have been published, we would not be able to change the findings by removing individual information. However, you can always request that your personal data be deleted or updated and we will let you know immediately if this is possible or not.

Contact information

HM Revenue & Customs’ privacy policy has more information about your rights in relation to your personal data, how to complain and how to contact the Data Protection Officer.

If you are unhappy with the way your personal data is being processed, you can report it to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at ico.org.uk or by calling the ICO helpline on 0303 123 1113.

If you have any questions about the study that are not covered here, please send an email to HMRCmessages@natcen.ac.uk.