Building social connections locally: privacy notice

About this privacy notice

This privacy notice explains how your personal data (e.g., any information that could identify you such as gender and age) collected for the purposes of this research are used and handled.

Who is the data controller and data processor?

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is the “data controller” for this research. The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is conducting this research on behalf of DCMS, which seeks to understand how physical and social structural factors (such as transport links or local community groups) impact loneliness. 

What personal information will be collected?

Stakeholder interviews, workshop, and focus groups

During recruitment we will collect the following personal information to decide if we can include you in the research and ensure we are talking to people with a range of experiences:

  • Local and national stakeholders: Name, contact details and job information.
  • Focus group participants: Name, contact details, age, disability or health status, experiences of loneliness/disconnection, employment status, socio-economic background, gender, ethnicity, living situation. 

During the focus group and interviews, we will collect your personal opinions around social connections and the physical and social environment.

What is the legal basis for processing my data?

The legal basis for collecting your data is ‘public task’ which means it is being collected in the public interest and as part of DCMS’s functions as a government department. This research will allow the government to understand how structural factors impact loneliness and will help to inform future policy-making in this area.

Who will my data be shared with?     

We will use the information collected from the interviews/conversations to write a report for DCMS. We will not publish anything that can reveal your identity. Your name and any personal data will be stored securely. The following organisations will have access to your data:

  • The NatCen research team will have access to your personal data. 
  • Research interviews, focus groups and workshops are being carried out by researchers from NatCen and RSM UK Consulting (RSM) . If your focus group or interview is with an RSM researcher then they will also have access to your personal data.
  • If you have been recruited by Criteria, they will also have access to the personal data that you have provided them with (e.g. your name and contact details). 
  • Your personal data will also be securely sent to McGowan Transcriptions who will type up the conversation and provide the NatCen/RSM research team with a written transcript.

DCMS will not know which members of the public have taken part. However, as the number of stakeholders involved in the projects is small, it is possible that DCMS will know which organisations have taken part. DCMS will, however, know which national stakeholders will take part in the workshop.

We never pass on your details to other organisations for any other reason. The only exception is if you tell us that you or someone else is at immediate risk of harm. In this situation, we would always try to discuss this with you first before speaking with anyone. 

Do I have to take part?

Taking part is voluntary. You are free to withdraw at any time without consequence, and you do not have to answer any questions you do not want to.

How will my information be stored?

NatCen and RSM will carefully manage your personal data. All the information you provide will be stored securely and confidentially, so that only those involved in the research will have access to your personal data. This data will not be held for any longer than is necessary to complete the research and will be securely deleted within 12 months of the project ending.

Your rights

Taking part is voluntary. You are free to withdraw at any time without consequence, and you do not have to answer any questions you do not want to.

Data protection legislation gives rights to individuals in respect of the personal data that organisations hold about them. These include the right to:

  • Access a copy of the information an organisation holds about them;
  • Object to processing that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress;
  • Prevent processing for direct marketing;
  • Have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed in certain circumstances; and
  • Claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the legislation.

Will I be able to change my mind about taking part at a later date?

Yes, you are free to withdraw from the research at any time. Please note that once data is aggregated and analysed, we would not be able to change the overall results by removing individual information. 

However, you can always request that your personal data be deleted or updated, and we will let you know immediately if this is possible or not.

If you would like to make any request related to your personal data or if you wish to withdraw from the research please contact:

Who can I contact with a query or a complaint?

The contact details for the data controller's Data Protection Officer (DPO) are:

Department for Culture, Media and Sport
100 Parliament St

Alternatively, you can contact DCMS’s Data Protection Officer by email at:

If you have any questions about how your data will be used or would like to make a complaint, you can contact:

  • NatCen’s Data Protection Officer at
  • RSM’s Privacy Officer at   
  • DCMS’ Data Protection Officer at

If you want to find out more about data protection law, or to lodge a complaint, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone - 0303 123 1113


Last updated

We may need to update this privacy notice periodically, so we recommend that you revisit this information from time to time. This version was last updated on 08/02/2024.