Analysis of Qualitative Data
Sessions and Times
Three sessions, 10:00 to 15:00
This course will equip participants with a clear understanding of the principles and practice of high quality, rigorous qualitative data analysis. The course primarily focuses on ‘Framework’, an approach to qualitative data management developed at the National Centre for Social Research, and how this approach can be used to conduct descriptive and explanatory qualitative data analysis. The course is delivered through a mixture of taught sessions and practical exercises.
Topics Covered
- The key stages and objectives of the analytical process in qualitative research.
- Overview of the range of approaches to qualitative data analysis.
- The qualitative analytical hierarchy.
- Tools for qualitative data management.
- Using Framework for data management.
- Developing the conceptual framework for analysis.
- Descriptive analysis for qualitative data.
- Introducing typologies in qualitative research.
- The nature of linkage and explanations in qualitative data.
- Searching for linkages and explanations.
- Drawing wider inference from qualitative data.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
- be able to recognise different approaches to qualitative data analysis.
- be able to describe key stages in the analytical process in qualitative research.
- be able to describe and use the ‘Framework’ approach to data management.
- have gained experience of interpreting qualitative data from analytical charts.
- be able to describe the factors which can affect the generalisability of qualitative data.
- be able to evaluate the quality of qualitative analysis presented to them.
Target Audience
This course will be useful to you if you:
- are an experienced qualitative researcher who wants to learn new skills in qualitative data analysis or to broaden and refresh your existing skills.
- are experienced in other aspects of qualitative research but are new to the analysis of qualitative data.
- commission or manage qualitative research in central or local government, health or other applied policy sectors and need to understand the qualitative data analysis process.
This course is currently only available for in-house delivery, for further information and rates please contact us on