
How Respondent Centred Design can be used to tackle survey challenges

The speakers will share examples of work from the Office for National Statistics where RCD has been employed across the data lifecycle.
  • Event time:
    6th February 2023 12:00 GMT Standard Time – 13:00 GMT Standard Time
  • Format:

The first half of this talk will introduce Respondent Centred Design (RCD) as a method to use when designing and developing a survey.

It also provides an overview of the accompanying Respondent Centred Design Framework and Agile delivery methodology.

The second half of this talk will explore the common challenges faced by survey practitioners and demonstrate how the utilisation of RCD can help to overcome them.


  • Laura Wilson
    Social Researcher UK Government Data Quality Hub (DQHub)
    Laura Wilson is a Principal Social Researcher and the Data Collection lead for the UK Government Data Quality Hub (DQHub). Although based at the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the remit of her role extends to improving the quality of all data across government.
  • Emma Dickinson
    Social Researcher ONS Social Survey Transformation (SST)
    Emma Dickinson is a Principal Social Researcher and is the co-lead of the ONS Social Survey Transformation (SST) Research and Design Team. Emma is an experienced qualitative researcher and a subject matter expert in the collection of socio-demographic information.
  • Colin Bevan-Seymour
    Social Researcher Social Survey Transformation (SST)
    Colin Bevan-Seymour is a Principal Social Researcher and is head of the Analysis and Evaluation Team in SST. Colin has extensive experience in survey design and led on the development and implementation of the Labour Market Survey statistical design when it was launched in April 2020.