Partners and networks

We are committed to sharing best practice and exchanging knowledge.

We are committed to sharing best practice in social research. We achieve this by working with our partners and networks to bring together individuals and organisations to learn and exchange new knowledge and skills.

National Centre for Research Methods

We deliver advanced social research methods training through our partnership with the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM). In January 2020, NCRM entered a new phase with an ESRC award for five years. This new phase focuses on delivering a comprehensive programme of cutting-edge research methods training across the UK.

Social Research Association

We deliver open courses working with our partner the Social Research Association, the professional membership body for the social research sectos.


NatCen contributes to the Q-Step programme, which offers comprehensive training in quantitative methods to social science undergraduates at 15 universities across the UK.

New Social Science, New Social Media

This international network of researchers is made up from different disciplines and sectors, sharing their experiences of using social media via Blackboard Collaborate, blogs and Twitter chats. This project was initially funded by the National Centre of Research Methods and is run in partnership with the Oxford Internet Institute and SAGE Publications.